Château de Bois Brinçon La Morinère

Château de Bois Brinçon La Morinère
France > Loire Valley > Côteaux de l'Aubance white

Informations about the winery

Xavier Cailleau
49320 Blaison-Gohier
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web :

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (9 wines in the database)

red BB rouge
Anjou - red
sparkling white Château Bois Brinçon - Brut Nature
Crémant de Loire - sparkling white
sweet white Château Bois Brinçon - Le Clos des Savarières
Côteaux du Layon Faye d'Anjou - sweet white
red Château Bois Brinçon Clos des Cosses
Anjou Villages - red
moelleux white Château de Boi-Brinçon - Les Varennes
Côteaux du Layon Faye d'Anjou - moelleux white
white Château de Bois Brinçon La Morinère
Côteaux de l'Aubance - white
red Château du Bois Brinçon - La Seigneurie
Anjou - red
red Château du Bois Brinçon - Le Clos Bertin
Anjou - red
moelleux white Xavier Cailleau - Le Clos du Saule
Côteaux du Layon Faye d'Anjou - moelleux white

Wines from the same area (4 wines in the database)

white Domaine La Douesnerie
Côteaux de l'Aubance - white
Rabineau Fillion 49320 Vauchrétien
white Château de Bois Brinçon La Morinère
Côteaux de l'Aubance - white
Xavier Cailleau 49320 Blaison-Gohier
white Terroirs d'Avrillé
Côteaux de l'Aubance - white
SCEA Biotteau Frères 49320 Saint Jean des Mauvrets
white Domaine Escogriffe - Bel Essor
Côteaux de l'Aubance - white
Domaine Escogriffe 49320 Brissac Loire Aubance

Tasting notes

Some tasting notes have been written for this wine, click here to view them

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