Vignerons Des Terres Secrètes - Les Sentinelles - Cuvée Prestige

Vignerons Des Terres Secrètes - Les Sentinelles - Cuvée Prestige
France > Bourgogne > Mâcon red

Informations about the winery

Vignerons Des Terres Secrètes
71960 Prissé
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
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Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (15 wines in the database)

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red Château du Charnay
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white Domaine des Plantés
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white Domaine Jobert
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red Esprits des Lieux
Bourgogne Passe Tout Grains - red
red Esprits des Lieux
Mâcon - red
white Les Sentinelles
Pouilly-Fuissé - white
red Terra Incognita
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white Terra Incognita
Pouilly-Fuissé - white
white Terra Incognita
Saint Véran - white
white Terra Incognita Croix de Montceau
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red Terra Incognita Milly Lamartine
Mâcon Villages - red
white Terra Incognita Milly Lamartine
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Wines from the same area (15 wines in the database)

red Domaine de la Croix Senaillet
Mâcon - red
Domaine de la Croix Senaillet 71960 Davaye
red Domaine Gonon
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Domaine Gonon 71960 Vergisson
red Domaine du Clos Gandin
Mâcon - red
Domaine du Clos Gandin 71700 Plottes
red Domaine Greffet - La Côte Rôtie
Mâcon - red
Domaine Greffet 71960 Solutré
red Collin Bourisset, Les Teppes Marius
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Maison Collin Bourisset 71680 Crèches-sur-Saône
red Maison Chausseron
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Maison Chausseron 21200 Beaune
red Roux Père & Fils Mâcon Supérieur
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Domaine Roux Père et Fils 21190 Saint Aubin (Côte d'Or)
red L'Herblandière
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red Bouchard Aîné et Fils
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Bouchard Aîné et Fils 21200 Beaune
red Château de Berzé
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Terroir Mâconnais 71570 La Chapelle-de-Guinchay
red Trenel
Mâcon - red
Trenel Fils 71850 Charnay-lès-Mâcon
red Cave de l'Aurore
Mâcon - red
Cave de l'Aurore 71260 Lugny
red Cave de Lugny - L'Aurore
Mâcon - red
Propriétés de l'aurore 71260 Lugny
red Lupé-Cholet
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Domaine Lupé-Cholet 21700 Nuit Saint Georges
red Vins Auvigue
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Jean Pierre Auvigue 71850 Charnay les Mâcon

No tasting notes for this wine yet

There is no tasting notes for this wine yet, register if you want to post one

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