Claus Preisinger, Pannobile
Claus Preisinger, Pannobile
Austria > Niederösterreich > Neusiedlersee red
Informations about the winery
Claus Preisinger
A-7122 Gols
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Wines from the same winery (8 wines in the database)
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Claus Preisinger, Pannobile Neusiedlersee - red |
Wines from the same area (9 wines in the database)
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Claus Preisinger, Pannobile Neusiedlersee - red Claus Preisinger A-7122 Gols |
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Alois Hoffmann, St Laurent Neusiedlersee - red Alois Hoffmann 7123 Mönchhof |
Schwarz, Zweigelt Neusiedlersee - red Weingut Johann Schwarz A-7163 Andau |
Claus Preisinger - Heideboden Neusiedlersee - red Claus Preisinger A-7122 Gols |
Claus Preisinger - Blaufränkisch Kalkstein Neusiedlersee - red Claus Preisinger A-7122 Gols |
Meinklang - Roter Mulatschak Neusiedlersee - red Meinklang A-7152 Pamhagen |
No tasting notes for this wine yet
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