Corte Lenguin - Classico Superiore
Corte Lenguin - Classico Superiore
Italy > Veneto > Valpolicella Ripasso red
Informations about the winery
Azienda Agricola Corte Lenguin
IT-37020 San Floriano (Verona)
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
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Wines from the same winery (2 wines in the database)
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Wines from the same area (15 wines in the database)
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Azienda agricola Monte Dall'Ora - Classico Superiore Sausto Valpolicella Ripasso - red Monte dall'Ora 37029 San Pietro in Cariano (Verona) |
Tasting notes
Some tasting notes have been written for this wine, click here to view them
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