Corcova, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova)
Corcova, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova)
Romania > Other subregion > Other appellation red
Informations about the winery
Viticola Corcova Srl
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Wines from the same winery (4 wines in the database)
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Corcova, Chardonnay (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova) Other appellation - white |
Corcova, Dealul Racoveanu Syrah Reserve (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova) Other appellation - red |
Corcova, Rosé (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova) Other appellation - rose |
Wines from the same area (15 wines in the database)
Castel Bolovanu - Soare Other appellation - red Sc Vinarte Srl 023975 Bucarest |
Bratianu - Cuvée Constantin Other appellation - red Agricola Stirbey srl 010465 Bucuresti, Romania |
Domeniul Coroanei - Segarcea Other appellation - red SC Domeniul Coroanei srl 205400 Segarcea, judet Dolj |
Crama Oprisor - La Cetate - pinot Noir Other appellation - red Crama Oprisor 021452 Bucuresti, sector 2 |
Crama Oprisor - Cabernet Sauvignon - Cuvée Spéciale Other appellation - red Crama Oprisor 021452 Bucuresti, sector 2 |
Domenile Sâmburesti Other appellation - red S.C. Viti-Pomicola Sâmburesti SA 237147 Dobroteasa, Olt |
Corcova, Dealul Racoveanu Syrah Reserve (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova) Other appellation - red Viticola Corcova Srl Corcova |
Corcova, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot (D.O.C. Mehedinti Corcova) Other appellation - red Viticola Corcova Srl Corcova |
Crama Ceptura - Festeasca Neagra - Vampire Other appellation - red Crama Ceptura Prahova |
Prince Stirbey, Novac (I.G. Dealurile Olteniei) Other appellation - red Agricola Stirbey srl 020479 Bucuresti |
Wine Princess - Cadarca Other appellation - red SC Wine Pricess SRL 310028 Arad |
Pivnitele Birauas Other appellation - red Pivnitele Birauas Arad |
Prince Stirbey - Negru de Dragasani (I.G. Dealurile Olteniei) Other appellation - red Agricola Stirbey srl 020479 Bucuresti |
Wine Princess - Cabernet Sauvignon Other appellation - red SC Wine Pricess SRL 310028 Arad |
Catleya Freamat Other appellation - red Laurent Pfeffer 227 125 Corcova, Mehedinti, Roumanie |
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